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Roan High Bluff Overlook


Roan High Bluff Overlook
County Mitchell County, NC
Elevation 6,267 ft
Latitude 36.0930556
Longitude -82.1458333

The second highest peak on Roan Mountain, Roan High Bluff rises to 6,267 feet. An observation deck is located just 20 feet (6.1 m) below the peak (the actual peak is closed to hikers). The overlook offers a 180-degree view of the valley and other mounain peaks to the northwest. The overlook is accessed via the Cloudland Trail, which rises out of Tollhouse Gap. Cloudland Trail is a 1.2 mile hike from the main parking lot, but the hike can be shortened depending on where you park. If you have never experienced the beauty of this spot, it is a must go. The bluff is located just southwest of the world famous Roan Mountain rhododendron garden.

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