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Porters Creek Trail


Porters Creek Trail
County Sevier County, TN
Elevation 2,600 ft
Latitude 35.69696
Longitude -83.38773

Approx. 2 mile hike from the parking lot (4 miles round trip).

Around 2/3 of a mile from the trailhead  you will see old stone walls on the right. These walls are from the Elbert Cantrell farmstead. Cantrell lived in the Porters Creek community in the early 1900s. Nearby is teh Ownby Cemetery which has grave stones dating back to the early 1900's.

1 mile on the trail you will come to a history farm site. This was the farm site of John Messer. Here there is a cantilevered barn built by John Whaley around 1875. There is also a cabin built by the Smoky Mountain Hiking Club in the 1930's.

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